The aim of the conference is to bring together a wide audience of experts, policy makers and practitioners in education and psychology. The suggested topics will allow presentation of thorough research, fruitful debate and opportunities for interaction among professionals with transdisciplinary interests.
Accepted full papers will be published in Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences by Elsevier, indexed by Science Direct, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI Proceedings).
The Scientific Committee encourages researchers, faculty members, teachers, psychologists and students to submit papers to the Conference. The papers should be written in English, the official language of the event. All the submitted papers will be subject to a blind peer-review process. You can submit your paper, using Procedia SBS template (you can download it from the conference website) at the following e-mail address:
At the end of the Conference the editorsof the supporting journals will select the best proceedings and invite the authors to submit extended papers for publication.
The Conference is organized by Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, the International Society for Applied Psychology (ISAPSY), the Institute for the Development of Educational Assessment (IDEA) and the Ministry of Education, four organizations that will manage the scientific quality of the event.
Please consider the following deadlines:
30 April, 2013
Deadline for submission of papers and poster proposals – EARLY SUBMISSION
31 May, 2013
Deadline for submission of papers and poster proposals – REGULAR SUBMISSION
30 June, 2013
Deadline for submission of papers and poster proposals - LATE SUBMISSION
15 July, 2013
Camera ready for the accepted papers in the Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
24-27 October, 2013
For more information please visit
the conference site:
Chairs EPC-TKS 2013
Cristian VASILE, Ph.D.
ISAPSY President
PG University of Ploiesti
Mihaela SINGER, Ph.D.
Educational Sciences Department
PG University of Ploiesti
Emil STAN, Ph.D.
Educational Sciences Department
PG University of Ploiesti
International Conference Education and Psychology Challenges - TKS 2013
The International Conference
24–27 OCTOBER 2013, Sinaia – Romania
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the International Conference EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY CHALLENGES - TEACHERS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY – 2ND EDITION (EPC-TKS) will be held in Romania - Prahova Valley (Sinaia), October 24 - 27, 2013.
The aim of the conference is to bring together a wide audience of experts, policy makers and practitioners in education and psychology. The suggested topics will allow presentation of thorough research, fruitful debate and opportunities for interaction among professionals with transdisciplinary interests.
Accepted full papers will be published in Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences by Elsevier, indexed by Science Direct, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI Proceedings).
The Scientific Committee encourages researchers, faculty members, teachers, psychologists and students to submit papers to the Conference. The papers should be written in English, the official language of the event. All the submitted papers will be subject to a blind peer-review process. You can submit your paper, using Procedia SBS template (you can download it from the conference website) at the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the end of the Conference the editorsof the supporting journals will select the best proceedings and invite the authors to submit extended papers for publication.
The Conference is organized by Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, the International Society for Applied Psychology (ISAPSY), the Institute for the Development of Educational Assessment (IDEA) and the Ministry of Education, four organizations that will manage the scientific quality of the event.
Please consider the following deadlines:
30 April, 2013
Deadline for submission of papers and poster proposals – EARLY SUBMISSION
31 May, 2013
Deadline for submission of papers and poster proposals – REGULAR SUBMISSION
30 June, 2013
Deadline for submission of papers and poster proposals - LATE SUBMISSION
15 July, 2013
Camera ready for the accepted papers in the Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
24-27 October, 2013
For more information please visit
the conference site:
Chairs EPC-TKS 2013
Cristian VASILE, Ph.D.
ISAPSY President
PG University of Ploiesti
Mihaela SINGER, Ph.D.
Educational Sciences Department
PG University of Ploiesti
Emil STAN, Ph.D.
Educational Sciences Department
PG University of Ploiesti