Primary Care, Mental Health and Public Health Integration

Primary Care, Mental Health and Public Health Integration:

The Catalytic Role of Information & Communication Technology

APRIL 10-13, 2013
Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania
Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Welcome to the WPA Regional Congress Bucharest 2013 website on, Primary Care, Mental Health & Public Health Integration: The Catalytic Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Southeast Europe and Eurasia. This innovative scientific event is scheduled to take place at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, ROMANIA, on April 10-13, 2013. You are most cordially invited to join us!

This first WPA Congress in ROMANIA, is a joint initiative of the World Psychiatric Association in collaboration with the Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, the National Society of Family Medicine and the Romanian Public Health and Health Management Association.

The WPA 2013 Bucharest Congress’ goals and objectives, are as follows:

  •     identify local, national and regional mental health, primary care & public health challenges and opportunities
  •     define the benefits of primary care, mental health & public health integration for individuals’ and populations’ health
  •     compare evidence of best practices & lessons learned
  •     stimulate educational, research, services, and policy collaborations at national and regional levels and across the life cycle
  •     strengthen health systems performance and enhance individuals’ and populations’ health

The Congress will be organized in plenary sessions, symposia, workshops, fora, oral presentations, and posters. The scientific discourse will range from the latest genomics and neurosciences discoveries to health systems’ performance, to non-communicable diseases, ICT, telemedicine, integrated care and more. There will also be a WPA Organizational Forum and a first, WPA Intersectional Forum on 21st Century Medical Education: Psychiatry’s Role.

We cordially invite you to virtually visit our extraordinary scientific program now on our website at and to join us at this innovative, historic and unprecedented congress.

We look forward to welcoming you all in beautiful Bucharest in bloom in April 2013!

With best wishes,

Prof. Pedro Ruiz, Congress President
Prof. Dinesh Bhugra, Co-chair Scientific Committee
Prof. Eliot Sorel, Co-chair Scientific Committee
Prof. Tarek Okasha, Co-chair Organizing Committee
Prof. Dan Prelipceanu, Co-chair Organizing Committee

Welcome to the WPA Regional Congress Bucharest 2013 website on, Primary Care, Mental Health & Public Health Integration: The Catalytic Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Southeast Europe and Eurasia. This innovative scientific event is scheduled to take place at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, ROMANIA, on April 10-13, 2013. You are most cordially invited to join us!

This first WPA Congress in ROMANIA, is a joint initiative of the World Psychiatric Association in collaboration with the Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, the National Society of Family Medicine and the Romanian Public Health and Health Management Association.

The WPA 2013 Bucharest Congress’ goals and objectives, are as follows:

  •     identify local, national and regional mental health, primary care & public health challenges and opportunities
  •     define the benefits of primary care, mental health & public health integration for individuals’ and populations’ health
  •     compare evidence of best practices & lessons learned
  •     stimulate educational, research, services, and policy collaborations at national and regional levels and across the life cycle
  •     strengthen health systems performance and enhance individuals’ and populations’ health

The Congress will be organized in plenary sessions, symposia, workshops, fora, oral presentations, and posters. The scientific discourse will range from the latest genomics and neurosciences discoveries to health systems’ performance, to non-communicable diseases, ICT, telemedicine, integrated care and more. There will also be a WPA Organizational Forum and a first, WPA Intersectional Forum on 21st Century Medical Education: Psychiatry’s Role.

We cordially invite you to virtually visit our extraordinary scientific program now on our website at and to join us at this innovative, historic and unprecedented congress.

We look forward to welcoming you all in beautiful Bucharest in bloom in April 2013!

With best wishes,

Prof. Pedro Ruiz, Congress President
Prof. Dinesh Bhugra, Co-chair Scientific Committee
Prof. Eliot Sorel, Co-chair Scientific Committee
Prof. Tarek Okasha, Co-chair Organizing Committee
Prof. Dan Prelipceanu, Co-chair Organizing Committee


Integritate - Responsabilitate - Profesionalism - Identitate

Pe masură ce domeniul psihoterapiei s-a maturizat, integrarea a devenit tendinta de baza. A avut loc atat un declin al luptelor ideologice cat si o miscare spre reconciliere. Clinicienii recunosc astazi ca există inadvertente precum si valoare potentiala in orice sistem teoretic. Scopul integrarii ... este de a imbunatati eficacitatea si aplicabilitatea psihoterapiei. In urmarirea acestui tel, noi trebuie sa recunoastem in mod colegial contributiile valoroase ale terapiilor in forma pura si sa sustinem in mod colaborativ punctele forte respective.

John C. Norcross, 2009